Blog Archives

Two Dallas Men Released After Serving 15 Years Behind Bars

Dennis Lee Allen and Stanley Orson Mozee were released last Tuesday after Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins recommended that their murder convictions be overturned. In 2000, Allen and Mozee were convicted and sentenced to life in prison for the

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Los Angeles Woman Exonerated After 17 Years Behind Bars

Los Angeles county resident Susan Mellen, 59, was recently exonerated after spending 17 years in prison for a wrongful murder conviction. Based solely on the false testimony of a woman with an extensive history of giving false information to law

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Two North Carolina Brothers Exonerated Through DNA Evidence

On September 2nd, Henry Lee McCollum, 50, and Leon Brown, 46, were ordered released from prison by a North Carolina judge after DNA evidence proved them innocent of a 1983 rape and murder for which they had been convicted. The

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Bill Addressing Prosecutorial Misconduct Heads to Governor Brown

California Assembly Bill 885, which authorizes courts to inform a jury when a prosecutor has intentionally concealed evidence of innocence, recently passed off the Assembly floor and is headed to Governor Brown’s desk to be signed. AB 885, authored by

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New Evidence Revealed in Potential Wrongful Execution Case

The Marshall Project, a newly formed nonprofit criminal justice journalism group, wrote a story published in the Washington Post today revealing new evidence of misconduct by a Texas prosecutor that may have led to the wrongful execution of Cameron Todd

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Exoneree to Release Memoir Recounting Wrongful Murder Conviction

Michael Morton, who spent 25 years behind bars in Texas for the wrongful murder conviction of his wife, will release his memoir, “Getting Life: An Innocence Man’s 25-Year Journey From Prison to Peace” on Tuesday. In 1986, Morton’s wife Christine

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