Gary G. Neustadter’s E-Books

Gary G. Neustadter

Rethinking Electronic Casebooks


To view an abridged version of Neustadter, Contracts 2012-13, an electronic casebook for a first year course in Contracts, follow the preceding link. Because of licensing restrictions, the abridged version does not contain any portion of the Uniform Commercial Code or its Official Comments, or any portion of Restatement of the Law, Second, Contracts, and any links to those materials will not function. Contracts 2008-09 is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any manner, including downloading to any electronic storage device, without permission from Professor Neustadter.

Students enrolled in Professor Neustadter’s Contracts course at Santa Clara University School of Law may download the unabridged version of Contracts 2010-11 and may make one hard copy of that book, or portions thereof. To download a copy, obtain the password from Professor Neustadter and proceed to his electronic reserve page for Contracts. After accepting the copyright restrictions, click on the link for instructions to download the book.

Secured Transactions

To view an abridged verson of Neustadter, U.C.C. Article 9, 2002, follow the preceding link. Because of licensing restrictions, the abridged version does not contain the Uniform Commercial Code or its Official Comments and any links to such material do not function. The abridged version is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any manner, including downloading to any electronic storage device,without permission from Professor Neustadter.

Students enrolled in the course entitled Secured Transactions at Santa Clara University School of Law may, without charge, download one copy of U.C.C. Article 9, 2002 and may make one hard copy of that book, or portions thereof. To download a copy, follow this download link. It will take you to an electronic reserve page for the course entitled Secured Transactions. After accepting the copyright restrictions, click on the link for instructions to download the book.