Eric Goldman, professor, associate dean for research, and co-director of the High Tech Law Institute at Santa Clara Law, published the 13th edition of his Internet Law Casebook, Internet Law: Cases & Materials. Goldman also recently updated his casebook chapter…
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Lynette Parker with the Katharine and George Alexander Community Law Center (KGACLC) received this award to support its work in providing basic needs services for victims of human trafficking and workplace crimes in Santa Clara County. On top of providing basic needs, KGACLC works to provide legal services for victims of these crimes.
This most recent grant addresses a gap in funding from the Department of Justice and the large commitment made by KGACLC and partner agencies to serve a large number of human trafficking victims in the county. By continuing to educate the county on the real extent of human trafficking, the law center continues to work to raise awareness of it and take steps to actively support victimized individuals.
KGACLC, alongside Asian Americans for Community Involvement, Bay Area Legal Aid, Community Solutions, Justice at Last, Step Forward Foundation, and the YWCA, has made Santa Clara County an example of the commitment of the public sector to addressing human trafficking nationwide.
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Professor Margaret Russell and her students took part in an ACT group – a self-help group that serves people often not accepted by the San Quentin incarcerated population. Russell said the trip was aimed at giving her students an understanding of criminal justice beyond just “reading legal theories and judges’ decisions.”
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Professor Patricia Cain’s new article “Taxation of Unmarried Partners” was featured on Taxprof Blog. “While living together, unmarried partners often make property transfers between each other. Yet, there are no clear tax rules that apply to these transfers. This article…
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Stephen Diamond spoke with MarketWatch about possible litigation after Elon Musk pulled out of his $44 billion deal to buy Twitter Inc. Stephen Diamond, an associate professor of law at Santa Clara University, said that regarding who has the best legal…
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Margaret Russell was a guest on KQED Forum discussing this year’s ground shifting Supreme Court term and what will be in store for the Court’s future?
Professor David Sloss’s latest op-ed is titled Section 230 and the Presumption Against Extraterritoriality, and was co-authored with Swathi Rajan, who is one of Professor Sloss’s students. The op-ed discusses the Ninth Circuit opinion in Gonzalez v. Google (2021) regarding…
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Professor Kreitzberg played an important role in the making of a California State jury video. Serving as the primary informational video that anyone who is called in for Jury Service will see for the next decade and will be viewed by literally millions of potential jurors, the video provides an overview of the juror experience, including the jury selection process, the trial, jury deliberations, and the verdict.
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Judge Eugene Hyman JD ’77 wrote an op-ed for the Mercury News about the ouster of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin. “Recall elections are supposed to be an ace-in-the-hole for voters, a method of last resort against an elected…
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Margaret Russell was selected by the Silicon Valley Business Journal as Silicon Valley Women of Influence for 2022. Read more (paid subscription required).