Mabie Grand Atrium - Photo by Andrew Corrales
What’s New

Recent SCU Law grads studying in Charney this summer? Make sure you have access to our secured building.

Welcome to Charney Hall.

First Floor  
Charney 101 Lawyer’s Lab
Charney 102 /103 Panelli Moot Court Room/Classroom
Charney 104/106 Classroom 104, 106
Charney Hall 108 (west entrance) Law School Clinics
Charney Hall 108 (north entrance) Northern California Innocence Project
Charney Hall 109 (west entrance) Office of Enrollment Management
Charney Hall 110 Student Organizations

Charney Hall 111

Mabie Grand Atrium (Tsai Info Desk)

Law Technology

Law Technology Help Desk

Charney Hall 112 Law Fiscal Operations
Charney Hall 114 Law School Student Services
Charney Hall 115 Office of Career Management
Second Floor  
Charney Hall 201,202,205,206,207,210 Classroom 201, 202, 205, 206, 207, 210
Charney Hall 203 Law School Lounge
Charney Hall 208, 242, 243 Law Library, Library Technical Services, Stacks, and Reserves
Charney Hall 215 Law Administrative Services, Office of Assessments
Charney Hall 216 Office of Academic Bar and Success
Third Floor  


Dean’s Terrace
Charney Hall 311 Dean’s Office Suite
Charney Hall 312 Law Alumni
Charney Hall 313 Law Centers
Charney Hall 316 Classroom 316

Resource Links