The deadline for the SIPLA election has been extended to April 2nd 11:59am to allow everyone more opportunity to be actively involved in our IP community!

We currently have openings for the positions of Social Chair, Webmaster, and Financial Chair. Become an officer for SIPLA by submitting your resume, a candidacy statement, and the position you prefer to

SIPLA, the Student Intellectual Properties Law Association is an organization that provides an on-campus forum for students to discuss and learn about intellectual property careers and issues. Each year, through its High Tech Tuesday’s events, SIPLA connects students to attorneys, academics, and judges practicing in intellectual property law. In organizing these events, SIPLA officers have the exciting opportunity to personally reach out to practitioners and our school benefactors. In addition, SIPLA officers works closely with the High Tech Institute, Law Career Services and other on campus associations to put together high tech related opportunities for students on campus.

Again, to apply for a SIPLA officer position for next year, please submit your candidacy statement, your order of preference for the three available officer positions, and a brief resume to For a list of officer positions, please see If you have any questions regarding SIPLA, or the roles of the officers please contact