Diversity Events

Diversity at Santa Clara Law

The following events are all co-sponsored by the School of Law through the Equity, Justice and Engagement Committee:

  • SCU LISTENS & LEARNS: RACE, REFLECTION, RENEWAL. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27. 7–8 P.M. With Racial Justice leaders Dolores Huerta and Luis Valdéz
  • SCU Racial Justice Coalition meetings
    1. In June of this year, faculty and staff who wanted to take direct action to combat systemic and structural racism at SCU joined together to form the SCU Racial Justice Coalition (SCU-RJC) (formerly called “Addressing White People Nonsense at SCU”).
    2. We write today asking you to join us in these efforts to hold the university, our colleagues, and ourselves accountable for the perpetuation of systemic racism and White Supremacy and for acting to end these. To be involved join our Google group and attend our next Zoom meeting in October 28, 1:30-3pm
  • One-day forum entitled: “Black Lawyers Matter: Strategies to Enhance Diversity and Inclusion.” October 30
  • FEC: Book club discussion of Caste on November 11 at 1pm.
  • Interviews with Dean Candidates. Important for this group to show up to interviews and give feedback on the 4 candidates.
    1. Students are 2 – 2:45 pm on 10/19, 10/22, 10/26, 10/29
    2. Staff are 3 – 4 pm on the same dates
    3. Faculty are 12 – 1 on the same dates for presentations and 10:11:45 on 10/20, 10/23, 10/27, 10/30
  • From SCU Digital Humanities Working Group: If you use digital technologies to engage or represent issues of racial justice or interrogate digital technologies from the angle of racial justice and equity in your classroom, we invite you to submit very brief proposals for a short (5-8 minute) presentation of your (students’) work at our DH for Racial Justice Teaching Showcase to be held on Wednesday, Nov. 11th 4-5:00pm, with an optional Zoom happy hour and discussion to follow from 5-5:30pm, during which we will showcase additional campus resources to support this work as well. Please submit proposals here no later than Friday, Oct. 16th. We will request participants to confirm participation and share any slides for their presentations by Monday, November 9th.
  • OCT. 28: Cafe: Learning with our Colleagues: SCU Departments’ Anti-Racist Teaching Initiatives. 11:45am – 12:45pm
  • NOV. 12: Cafe: More Learning with our Colleagues: SCU Departments’ Anti-Racist Teaching and Initiatives. 12:15pm – 1:15pm
  • Safe Space workshops. We will be offering the following sessions: October: 5, 21, November: 18. To SIGN-UP, please RSVP for your desired date and time at: scu.edu/diversity/education-and-training/safe-space-workshops-for-faculty–staff/safe-space-workshop-dates/ Zoom links will be provided to those that sign-up. As a reminder, the Safe Space program provides Santa Clara University faculty and staff opportunities to deepen their knowledge about LGBTQ+ issues with the goals of: 1) Providing a supportive environment for LGBTQ+ members of the campus community, 2) Creating visible safe spaces for LGBTQ+ members of the campus community across campus and 3) To create and develop more Allies. The Safe Space program is done in partnership with the Office for Multicultural Learning (OML), which coordinates the Safe Space training for students.