Looking for something to do this summer but unsure of where to start? Why not gain some valuable work and travel experience by studying abroad? Study abroad not only gives you the opportunity to enrich your cultural understanding of another place, but it also helps you gain real-world experience to advance your legal career. Explore anything from humanitarian law to international criminal law in one of Santa Clara University School of Law’s study abroad programs.
Let’s take a closer look at reasons why a law study abroad program may be a perfect fit for you.
It expands your horizons.
If you love law and love to learn about new places, people, and cultures, you can broaden your perspective of the law and legal process by immersing yourself in a different culture and place.
Want to be a global citizen? Becoming a global citizen requires that you have perspective, and perhaps the best way to get that perspective is to learn firsthand about different legal systems and what legal practice is like in another country. Although you’ll spend lots of time studying, you’ll also have time to explore—and you should.

Santa Clara Law Summer Abroad students in Costa Rica. Photo by Brittany Ricketts.
It enriches your understanding of global business.
Law and business are irrevocably intertwined — and you need to understand how the business side of things works. In a global economy, a lawyer needs not just a firm understanding of law and ethics but also how business works — and doesn’t work — across borders.
Santa Clara University School of Law offers externships on international business in Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo, and Vienna, in addition to other cities throughout Europe and Asia.
It allows you to explore specialties.
Give yourself the summer to explore a topic entirely new to you — or the one that has piqued your interest from the get-go.
A law study abroad program allows you to dip your toe in a specialty that interests you. Want to study environmental law? Take a look at our program in Sydney or Singapore. Does human rights law speak to you? Our programs in Geneva and Costa Rica offer options that allow you to delve into human rights law — and international criminal law at the Hague, too. Want to take a really deep dive into a topic of your choosing? Oxford Tutorials offer a variety of subject areas and a 1-on-1 setting.
Ready to go? Have more questions? Apply now or reach out and contact us, We’re happy to help, and we’re looking forward to helping you plan your law study abroad adventure this summer.

Law students enjoying their time off near Geneva, Switzerland. Photo by Aimee Perez.