David Greenspan, an adjunct professor of Entertainment Law at Santa Clara Law, is quoted in a WalletHub article on the best cities for gamers. Read more.
David Greenspan, an adjunct professor of Entertainment Law at Santa Clara Law, is quoted in a WalletHub article on the best cities for gamers. Read more.
Howard Charney MBA’73, JD’77, Dean Lisa Kloppenberg and Assistant Dean Rupa Bhandari JD ’05 co-authored an article in the Silicon Valley Business Journal about the skills that Silicon Valley companies need from their attorneys. “Lawyers today must independently acquire the…
Edward Steinman was interviewed by KGO about the Supreme Court decision to side with the Colorado baker who refused service to a gay couple.
Anna Han was interviewed on NBC about the potential dangers when customers sign non-disclosure agreements to get a refund.
Eric Goldman spoke to Reporter Online, The Times-Herald, and 10 other outlets about the recent Supreme Court Decision allowing criminal defendants to access some social media posts during their trial. He was also quoted in The Wall Street Journal, CetUSNews, and Jezebel about the possible repercussions sex workers could…
Ellen Kreitzberg was quoted in the Los Angeles Times, The San Diego Tribune, and 17 other outlets about the recall of Judge Aaron Persky.
Margaret Russell was featured on NPR Here and Now about the possible recall of Judge Aaron Persky. The interview ran on 15 other stations. Russell also spoke to ABC7 News about the Supreme Court decision in favor of a baker who refused to serve a…
Deep Gulasekaram was mentioned in the San Francisco Chronicle and Watertown Daily Times about three sanctuary laws in California, and how the Justice Department may have the power to overturn them.
Students in Deep Gulasekaram‘s Spring 2018 Immigration Law & Policy Practicum were asked to engage in transformative advocacy around some of the most pressing issues in immigration regulation and enforcement. Their goal was to produce publicly available research that could…
Lynette Parker has been selected as one of this year’s Unsung Heroes by the Diversity Committee of the Santa Clara County Bar Association. Each year the Unsung Heroes Awards recognize individuals and organizations in our legal community, regardless of ethnicity, who…