Deep Gulasekaram published a post on the Balkinization blog titled Presidential Immigration Federalism. Read the post.
Deep Gulasekaram published a post on the Balkinization blog titled Presidential Immigration Federalism. Read the post.
Michelle Oberman was quoted in a Law Enforcement Today article about a woman who was accused of murdering her daughters. According to Oberman, oftentimes women who commit filicide are “isolated in their motherhood” and suffer from mental health issues or…
Eric Goldman co-edited a new ebook on Zeran v. AOL, the most important Section 230 case. “The ebook does a deep dive on Zeran v. AOL, the most important Section 230 case of all time. The Zeran case was the…
Devin Kinyon has been appointed to the State Bar’s Law School Council. The Law School Council is comprised of seven deans or their representatives (staff or faculty) from ABA-approved schools in California.
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Nov. 18, 2020—Santa Clara Law Professor Colleen Chien has been chosen to join President-Elect Joe Biden’s 20-person review committee for the Department of Commerce, which includes oversight of The United States Patent and Trademark Office. Agency review…
Margaret Russell was a guest on KALW radio’s “Your Legal Rights” show, discussing Covid-19 and the Bill of Rights. Listen to the show.
Catherine Sandoval spoke to KXTV news in Sacramento on PG&E’s “criminal thinking”. The California utility company is now guilty of the biggest corporate manslaughter case in U.S. history. Professor Sandoval, who served as a state public utilities commissioner from 2011-2016,…
Michael Vargas wrote an article for San Jose Spotlight on the LGBTQ community’s historic gains in the November election.
David Ball spoke to the East Bay Express about the failure of California’s Proposition 25, which would have abolished the state’s cash bail system. The article was republished by the Mercury News andthe Daily Democrat. “The question is going to…
Deep Gulasekaram spoke to ABC7 news on the fate of the ACA in the Supreme Court and California v. Texas. Professor Gulasekaram says that California, which is a co-defendant in the case, has a significant interest in making sure the…