Internal Moot Court

Honors Moot Court

internal moot court

HMCI is a highly selective honors internal competition in which students brief legal issues and argue on appeal before the Supreme Court of the United States. Upper division students work in teams of two and compete against other teams, arguing issues before panels of distinguished attorneys and judges. Each team’s brief and oral arguments are scored, and the top teams advance through four rounds of oral arguments.

Admission: All upper division students who have completed Advocacy or who are currently enrolled in Advocacy are eligible. For admission, an applicant’s initial brief and oral argument scores from Advocacy are considered, as well as a written application and interview. Applications will be available in September and interviews will be conducted in October.  Please scan this QR code to apply or follow this link.

Class Requirements: HMCI competitors are required to enroll in a 2 unit credit/no credit class in the spring semester, which meets approximately seven times, once per week. Units earned through HMCI count as experiential units. Competitors are also required to attend preliminary oral arguments and to be available for additional arguments should they advance to the quarter-final, semi-final, and final rounds.

The Problem: The HMCI “problem” is the fictional fact pattern drafted by the HMCI Problem Committee that features several unsettled and contemporary legal issues. Competitors will receive the problem at the beginning of the spring semester.

Briefs: Each team drafts an appellate brief based on the problem. Brief scores are taken into consideration when determining which teams advance in the competition.

Oral Arguments: Practice oral arguments will be reviewed and critiqued by the student board members. Each team will then compete in two preliminary rounds – one on-brief (the same argument submitted in your brief) and one off-brief (the opposing argument). Presentations will be judged by local attorneys and members of the judiciary. Teams with the best preliminary scores will argue in quarter-final rounds, and proceed in a single elimination tournament.

Quarter-final and semi-final rounds of the Honors Competition traditionally are judged by members of the judiciary and distinguished local practitioners.

The final round is judged by a panel of distinguished members of the judiciary. Recognition and cash prizes are given in a number of categories.

Why Participate in HMCI? HMCI competitors have a unique opportunity to further develop their writing and oral advocacy skills while getting a taste of the appellate litigation world through this 2 unit class. Throughout the competition, the competitors network with attorneys and members of the judiciary that judge all stages of oral arguments. Additionally, competitors are mentored by members of the HMCI Board, from the initial stages, the brief writing process, to actual strategy for oral arguments. 


Interested in Participating in HMCI? Please email the HMCI Board at and we will contact you with more information.


QUESTIONS? Please contact the HMCI Board at and/or the HMCI faculty advisor, Melody Sequoia at


HMCI 2023 Board and Competitors

HMCI 2023 Semifinalists

HMCI 2023 Semifinalists

HMCI 2023 Finalists