The Katharine & George Alexander Community Law Center (Law Center) attorneys, law students, and volunteers provide free legal services for low-income unrepresented defendants and consumers. The Clinic is currently offered at the Santa Clara County Superior Court Self-Help Center.
The Advice Clinic is available every Wednesday, 11:30am-3:00pm*.
Please call for an appointment at (408) 288-7030
Law Center attorneys, law students and volunteers will assist, if you do not have a lawyer, in completing the forms necessary to defend against collection suits (including but not limited to answers). The Law Center will also provide information regarding:
- Alternatives to litigation
- Community resources
- Other legal services that may be available in the community

You may receive advice in the following areas:
- Debt collection abuse
- Student loan issues
- Car sales, financing, repossession
- Disputes relating to towing of vehicles
- Door-to-door sales
- Home improvement contract issues (including solar panel issues)
- Credit reporting issues
- Dealing with default judgments obtained by sewer service
- Identity theft
- Co-signer issues
* Excluding December