Join SIPLA and HTLI in welcoming University of Washington Law Professor Toshiko Takenaka for a High Tech Tuesday on January 24, 2012, 12-1, in Bannan 241. She will discuss her research on best practices for rewarding employee inventors, including her comparative study of employee inventor compensation systems in U.S., Germany, France and Japan. Lunch will be provided.

Professor Takenaka directs the Center for Advanced Study and Research on Intellectual Property, and is associate director for the Intellectual Property Law and Policy LL.M. Program, at University of Washington School of Law in Seattle. She is on the board of editors for the JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AND PRACTICE. She teaches Patent Law, Advanced Patent Law, Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Innovations in Science and Technology. For more details about Professor Toshiko Takenaka and her work, please visit: