The 2012 State of the Net West Speaker Series continues on May 24th when Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) will join us for a lunch time presentation in Palo Alto at WSGR. On June 11th, Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-California) will be back on campus at SCU at 9:15 a.m. Register now for both of these free events at In September FTC Commission Julie Brill will visit SCU on September 20th. We are also scheduling visits this year from Congressman Bob Goodlatte, and Congresswoman Anna Eshoo. If you missed Congressman Mike Honda’s Technology Town Hall on April 3rd, audio and video of the event are now available (episode 24 & 25). For more details about these events please visit


The State of the Net West is the premier West Coast series held in Silicon Valley for Washington policymakers to openly engage the Silicon Valley technology community on technology policy. State of the Net West brings together academic scholars, public interest advocates, and industry leaders on pressing legislative, regulatory and legal technology issues, and channels West Coast thought leadership to inform the technology policy issues debated in Washington, better reflecting the fast-paced evolution of the marketplace.


Register Now for These Complimentary Events!

 Congressman Jason Chaffetz: A Technology Townhall Discussion

Date: May 24, 2012
Time: Program begins promptly at 12:00 pm, check-in and lunch starts at 11:30 am. Event concludes at 1:00 pm.
Location: Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati – 650 Page Mill Road – Palo Alto, California 94306
About: The discussion will cover the major technology topics debated in policy and legal circles from California to Capitol Hill. Major themes will include: SOPA and how tech can/should remained engaged in DC post-SOPA (Congressman Chaffetz played a significant role in the SOPA debate as a primary opponent of the measure); High Skilled Immigration/STEM; and Geolocation (GPS)/Privacy. Congressman Chaffetz is a leader in Congress on technology issues and the sponsor of important legislation as a member of the Congressional Internet Caucus. Congressman Chaffetz serves on the Committee on the Budget, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and Committee on the Judiciary, three of the key committees pertaining to the federal budget, setting government fiscal priorities and addressing Internet-related technology.
Registration: Space is limited and by reservation only. Please register at Note: Registration and lunch is complimentary.

Venue and lunch generously provided by:

Congressman Zoe Lofgren: A Technology Townhall Discussion

Date: June 11, 2012
Time: Program begins promptly at 9:15 am, check-in and continental breakfast starts at 8:45 am. Event concludes at 10:30 am.
Location: Bannan Hall – Room 139, Santa Clara University 500 El Camino Real Santa Clara, CA 95053
About: Congresswoman Lofgren is a founding member of the Congressional Internet Caucus and a member of the subcommittees on Energy and the Environment and Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology and the subcommittees on Intellectual Property, Competition and the Internet and Immigration Policy and Enforcement of the Committee on Judiciary Committee.
Registration: Space is limited and by reservation only. Please register at Note: Registration and lunch is complimentary. 

Commissioner Julie Brill, Federal Trade Commission: A Technology Townhall Discussion

Date: September 20, 2012
Time: Program begins promptly at 9:15 am, check-in and continental breakfast starts at 8:45 am. Event concludes at 10:30 am.
Location: Benson Center – Williman Room, Santa Clara University 500 El Camino Real Santa Clara, CA 95053
About: Julie Brill was sworn in as a Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission April 6, 2010. Since joining the Commission, Ms. Brill has worked actively on issues most affecting today’s consumers, including protecting consumers’ privacy, encouraging appropriate advertising substantiation, guarding consumers from financial fraud, and maintaining competition in industries involving high tech and health care.
Registration: Please visit for scheduling and registration information.

Past Events:

Congressman Mike Honda: A Technology Townhall Discussion: Audio and Video Available!

Audio / Video
(episode 24 & 25)

About: The discussion covered the major technology issues debated in policy and legal circles from California to Capitol Hill. Major themes included long-term technology workforce development, economic growth/job creation through STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) and what the recent Congressional battle over the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) means for Silicon Valley’s engagement with Washington. Congressman Honda is a leader in Congress on technology issues as a member of the Congressional Internet Caucus from Silicon Valley and serves on the House Appropriations Committee and House Budget Committee, two of the key committees in the development of the federal budget and in setting government fiscal priorities. Additional panelist included Dana Ditmore and SCU Law Associate Professor Eric Goldman.

State of the Net West is brought to you by the Advisory Committee to the Congressional Internet Caucus in collaboration with the High Tech Law Institute of Santa Clara Law.