For over 40 years, the Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Law Association (SVIPLA) has been an active professional association serving members who focus their practice on intellectual property matters including patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, licensing, litigation and other related fields.

Since 1977, SVIPLA has honored annually a member of the intellectual property community as its Inventor of the Year. The recipients have made outstanding contributions to the technology industry, including such inventions for: integrated circuit technology, basic gene splicing, automobile navigation systems, over the counter medications drug delivery systems, the bar code, the optical mouse and many more impressive and recognizable inventions.

SVIPLA conducts monthly meetings featuring in-house and law firm representatives discussing topics relevant to current intellectual property issues.

Membership is open to those interested in intellectual property law. Typical members and attendees at monthly dinner meetings are in-house and law firm lawyers, paralegals, IP consultants, law students, and others related to the intellectual property industry.

For more information visit their website. Special student membership rates of $25 a year.