Ed Taylor, a long time friend of the High Tech Law Institute and Santa Clara Law, has passed away . Ed was deeply involved with the law school in many capacities. For many years Ed served as a member of the our Board of Visitors, the Dean’s High Tech Advisory Council and our High Tech Advisory Board. He was generous with his time, especially when he was working with students in the Patent Law Practice class that he taught for many years. He had a deep and sustaining interest in Santa Clara Law and in our mission of educating outstanding patent lawyers for Silicon Valley law firms and companies. Ed was a leader in Silicon Valley and his expertise and involvement were tremendous assets to the law school. All of us at Santa Clara Law, and particularly those affiliated with the High Tech Law Institute, will miss him.

A tribute to Ed Taylor has been posted by the law firm he helped found, Blakely Sokoloff Taylor Zafman LLP, at www.bstz.com/ed_taylor