We’ve put together a chart of high tech related courses being offered in Fall 2022. View the Chart. Read the chart carefully as it includes courses for both the High Tech Law Certificate and the Privacy Law Certificate. Although we’ve tried to make it accurate and comprehensive, please check the course offering web page for Fall 2022, https://law.scu.edu/course-schedule/, for the most current information.

Finally, you might find the two documents below helpful in making your course selections for this semester and beyond:

  • Navigating the High Tech Curriculum makes course recommendations for students interested in a variety of high tech law careers.
  • Also, our expected course offering schedule reports how often, and in what semester(s), high tech courses are typically offered. Nevertheless, if you really want to take a course before you graduate and you see it offered now, we strongly recommend that you take it now. Life is uncertain, and so are curricular offerings.

If you are pursuing (or interested in pursuing) a Privacy Law Certificate, please contact Prof. Eric Goldman (egoldman@gmail.com) to discuss the Privacy Certificate and/or your course selection.

Questions regarding High Tech Law Certificate courses should be directed to htli@scu.edu.

Students may not earn both a Privacy Law Certificate and a High Tech Law Certificate.