We’ve put together a chart of high tech related courses being offered in Fall 2017. View the Chart. Although we’ve tried to make it accurate and comprehensive, please check the course offering web page for Fall 2017, http://law.scu.edu/course-schedule/?semester=Fall+2017, for the most current information. In addition to this chart, you might find two other documents helpful to your course selection for this semester:
- Navigating the High Tech Curriculum. This document will help you identify courses based on particular destinations you might be heading.
- A chart showing the expected offering schedule for various courses. As usual, if you really want to take a course before you graduate and you see it offered now, take it. Life is uncertain, and so are curricular offerings.
Just a reminder, for students graduating in Fall 2017 or thereafter (presumably all of you!), the paper requirement for the High Tech Law Certificate has been eliminated.