Exclusive Opportunity to Meet Industry Leaders including

Facebook, Twitter, Symantec, PayPal and privacy experts

from the Department of Commerce, FTC and State of California
October 1-4, 2012 at the

7th Annual Online Trust Alliance’s Online Trust Forum
Sainte Claire Hotel, San Jose, CA

Graduate students and faculty are invited to attend at for a special discount rate of $25 including breakfast and lunch, (vs. $499 for the general public)

This is a must attend event for those of you studying or teaching technology, privacy, and e-commerce. You will have an exclusive opportunity to hear first-hand from industry leaders and to network with CEOs, CIOs, CISOs, and Government leaders who are shaping the future of Online Trust & Self-Regulation.

What makes this conference different is that it is a small, interactive forum with more direct contact with speakers, panelists, and attendees.

For more information and a list of speakers, please visit: http://2012trustforum.eventbrite.com/?discount=SCU-oneday and enter code: SCU25