Pictured above (Left to Right): Leonard Lun (Director of Employer Relations), Sarah Tesconi (Director of Law Grad. Employment), Whittley Pike (Director of law Career Development), Debbie Snyder (Asst. Dean of Career Management), Joanna Justus (HTLI Managing Director), Dorice McDonnell (HTLI Program Manager) and Christina Johnson (OCM Recruiting and Office Manager) 

Law students, attorneys, and legal recruiters eagerly convened for the landmark 25th annual High Tech Career Fair, held on the evening of March 7, 2024, at the esteemed Locatelli Student Event Center. Spearheaded by the collaborative efforts of Santa Clara University Law School’s Office of Career Management and the prestigious High Tech Law Institute (HTLI), this year’s event showcased a dynamic array of opportunities within the tech law sphere. Noteworthy benefactor firms of HTLI, including the esteemed Lowenstein Sandler LLP and Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, lent their support, underscoring the significance of the occasion.

From warmly welcoming representatives from the 22 esteemed employer organizations present to assisting in the setup of elaborate displays, the dedication of each team member was instrumental in fostering a vibrant atmosphere conducive to networking and collaboration. Student volunteers from the Student Bar Association’s 1L Representatives, namely Cari Hall, Sahil Sagar, and Victor Luu, played a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth execution of the event as well. 

Amidst the buzz of professional engagement, participants relished the opportunity to reconnect with familiar faces, while also forging meaningful connections with potential future colleagues. As conversations flowed and insights were exchanged, the High Tech Career Fair served as a nexus for both professional advancement and the cultivation of lasting professional relationships, reflecting the spirit of innovation and camaraderie that defines the legal landscape in the realm of technology.