Five Santa Clara University law students participated with Professor Abriel and Professor Parker in the 2021 Spring Break Border Service Project with the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project in Arizona. Because of COVID restrictions, this year’s Border Service Project was undertaken virtually. The work and the experience was equally engaging and valuable to all participants. Law students assisted with research, letters to parole immigrant detainees from detention facilities because of vulnerabilities to COVID, and other projects the Florence Project had indicated would help their legal staff. The Florence Project provided introductions to each of their teams within the Adult Team, including those working at the border, those providing legal consults and pro per services for detainees, those providing direct legal services, and those providing appellate and amicus legal services. The students and professors gained valuable insight into the reality of the situation for adult immigrant detainees and the hard work of the Florence Project on their behalf. By any measure, the 2021 Border Service Project was a resounding success, and we thank the Florence Project from the bottom of our hearts for giving us this opportunity.