This year marks Santa Clara Law’s third annual Spring Break Border Service Trip to the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project in Arizona. Although this year’s trip was virtual, it was no less of an inspiring journey for the five students and two faculty involved.

Today, we got a chance to focus on our projects. We took the day to really delve into our cases and speak to our professors about any questions we had.

I am extremely thankful to the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project for allowing us to shadow, learn from and assist them in real cases. In such a short period of time, we have learned so much.

I was working on a case involving criminal records and analyzing whether they fall under aggravated felonies or crimes involving moral turpitude. I learned about this process in my immigration law class, but for the first time I was able to apply it in real life.

Today, we also had lunch with the Franco team. It is amazing to see just how passionate the team is about the work they do. Although we are virtual, their passion can be felt through the screen. We got to hear about their perspective on the hardships that Franco clients face daily in detention centers and in the immigration process. It is very eye-opening. I have done various internships and clinics, and mental illness is something that has not come up often in the cases I’ve worked on. I am thankful that the Franco team shed light on what it is like representing clients with mental illnesses.

Overall, today has been great. It is a bittersweet feeling that we only have one more day working with an incredible organization.

Vanessa Sibrian
JD Candidate 2021