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Texas State Bar files charges against former prosecutor Ken Anderson for his conduct in the Michael Morton case

Northern California Innocence Project

 Ken Anderson, a former Williamson County, Texas District Attorney and current judge faces disciplinary action by the State Bar of Texas after charges were filed on October 24. Anderson is charged with withholding evidence in the trial of Michael Morton

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Supreme Court Review of DOMA cases

Same Sex Tax

SCOTUSBLOG has announced that all same-sex marriage cases currently before the Supreme Court will be considered at the Court’s conference scheduled for November 20. This includes the Arizona benefits case.   Here’s the original text from Scotusblog: UPDATED:   The Court

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Keeping Your Eyes on the Ball


You have three opportunities left to knock one out of the park. At 4:00 p.m., learn some shortcuts for Treaty Research. At 4:20, explore the United Nations website, databases, and finding aids. At 4:40, find out what foreign legal materials

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All Eyes Still Open


While you are taking advantage of noontime sessions from Career Services this week to improve your job-hunting skills, keep in mind that legal research is what most employers will expect you to do as a new associate. Legal research sessions

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SCU’s IHRC joins more than 100 human rights advocates and organizations in a letter to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations to express alarm about the escalating threats and intimidation against Attorney Mario Joseph of the Bureau des Avocats Internationaux (BAI) and other human rights lawyers in Haiti

International Human Rights Clinic Blog

SCU’s International Human Rights Clinic joins more than 100 human rights advocates and organizations in a letter to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations to express our alarm about the escalating threats and intimidation against Attorney Mario Joseph of

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