Each year, Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, in conjunction with the University of Iowa College of Law International and Comparative Law Program, conducts an annual world affairs student writing competition. The competition is open to law students and to graduate students in all disciplines. Below are details about this year’s competition. Interested students are asked to review the Official Rules carefully before submitting entries.



Any contemporary international business or economic concern. Recent winning submissions have included such topics as recommendations the United States should follow to update its privacy laws to harmonize with international general data protection regulation commitments, why international labor organizations should adopt fair trade as an enforcement mechanism to end labor violations, and why the United States Treasury should wait for Congress to end corporate tax sheltering tactics.


Publication and a $2,500 cash prize paid upon publication of the winning submission. 


The winning essay will be published in Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, a journal of the University of Iowa College of Law. TLCP reserves the right to work with the winner to edit the winning submission in order to meet the standards necessary for publication. 


All students currently enrolled in law or graduate degree programs.


Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems must receive all essays no later than February 1, 2020.


For more information about this competition click here