In the case Babar Ahmad and Others v. the United Kingdom, the European Court of Human Rights today held that there would be no violation of the European Convention on Human Rights if five applicants, alleged international terrorists, were extradited to the United States. The case of a sixth applicant requires further consideration because of questions concerning his mental health.

The Court concluded unanimously that life sentences without possibility of parole and detention at a “supermax” prison in the U.S. would not violate Article 3 of the Convention which prohibits inhuman and degrading treatment. The decision is not yet final and may be referred to the Grand Chamber of the Court at any party’s request.

NY Times: Court allows Britain to Send 5 to U.S. on Terror Charges, by Allan Cowell and John F. Burns

BBC News: Abu Hamza US extradition backed by European Court, by Dominic Casciani