We are pleased to announce that the annual Louis Jackson Memorial National Student Writing Competition in Employment and Labor Law is now accepting submissions for 2019–2020. The competition is sponsored by Jackson Lewis LLP and is administered by IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law’s Institute for Law and the Workplace (ILW). The top three winners receive scholarships: $3000 for the first-place winner, and $1000 each for the two second-place winners.


Entries must be the law student author’s own work and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors must have completed or be currently taking course work in employment or labor law, and must be enrolled in an accredited law school during the Fall 2019 semester. Only the first two submissions per law school will be accepted as entries for consideration.


Entries must be suitable for publication in a law review. Citations must conform to current Bluebook style. Papers must not exceed 35 pages in length, 8½ by 11 inch, including footnotes, set in 12 point Times Roman font, footnotes in 10 points, with double spacing and one inch margins.


Entries will be blind-judged by an independent panel of law professors from across the United States. The determination of the judges’ panel is final. Neither Jackson Lewis LLP nor the Institute for Law and the Workplace is involved in judging the competition. The only identification that may appear on the first or subsequent pages of the paper is the paper title.


January 22, 2020


Click here for more details. 

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