Exam Return Review

Exam Return: Professors who option to return graded exams through this process do so at a time of their choosing. As our office receives exams for electronic return, an email will be sent to the class with the date of anticipated email release.

The Exam Return process is run through the Office of Assessment (Charney 215). This process allows faculty to provide students the opportunity to collect/review past assessments.

Faculty members are not required to make their exams available through this process. 

Exams that have been approved for return to students are listed on the Exam Availability List. If an exam is not listed, it is unavailable for return through this office. You can email your professor directly for more information regarding your exam and the modality in which it will be reviewed.

Questions regarding the Exam Return process may be sent to the Office of Assessment at law-return-review@scu.edu