Center for Social Justice & Public Service Events
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September 2020
Faculty Panel: What My Social Justice Work Means to Me
Please join the following faculty discuss their personal journey with social justice work. JOIN WEBINAR Password: csj Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16699006833,,99515848624# or +12532158782,,99515848624# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 Webinar ID: 995 1584 8624 International numbers available: David Ball works primarily…
Find out more »NCIP Summer Shelter Series Episode 3
Join the Northern California Innocence Project on Facebook LIVE to learn about their policy reform work - Past, Present, Future. This summer, we're hosting a 3-part Summer Shelter Series about NCIP's policy reform work. You'll learn about our past reform efforts and successes, current initiatives, and future priorities. Take action now to help reform the justice system into a more just and equitable system for all. Join via Facebook Live
Find out more »Artificial Intelligence and Health Equity
AI and Health Equity with Michele Samorani and Michael Santoro Also co-sponsored by: Santa Clara Law Center for Social Justice and If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice (Santa Clara University Chapter). Moderated by Professor Colleen Chien Michele Samorani Michael Santoro The pandemic and other recent events have highlighted the lack of equity in many aspects of healthcare in the U.S. The infusion of artificial intelligence into healthcare decision-making promises new opportunities and poses new challenges. Join us for a discussion with…
Find out more »October 2020
Content Policy and Enforcement: People, Policy and Product
This event is part of the “Artificial Intelligence for Social Impact and Equity” series, a set of conversations about how artificial intelligence and the algorithms around us are making our society more or less fair and prosperous and how we can harness AI for the greatest positive social impact. The series is curated by Colleen Chien (@colleen_chien) (Law) and Irina Raicu (MCAE) (@IEthics), co-sponsored by the High Tech Law Institute and the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Co-sponsored by the…
Find out more »AI and Hiring: Automating Second Chances
This event is part of the “Artificial Intelligence for Social Impact and Equity” series, a set of conversations about how artificial intelligence and the algorithms around us are making our society more or less fair and prosperous and how we can harness AI for the greatest positive social impact. The series is curated by Colleen Chien (@colleen_chien)(Law) and Irina Raicu (MCAE) (@IEthics), co-sponsored by the High Tech Law Institute and the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Co-sponsored by the Paper…
Find out more »AI for Good (Trouble)
This event is part of the “Artificial Intelligence for Social Impact and Equity” series, a set of conversations about how artificial intelligence and the algorithms around us are making our society more or less fair and prosperous and how we can harness AI for the greatest positive social impact. The series is curated by Colleen Chien (@colleen_chien)(Law) and Irina Raicu (MCAE) (@IEthics), co-sponsored by the High Tech Law Institute and the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Co-sponsored by the High…
Find out more »November 2020
Social Justice Thursday – Post Elections Issue Panel
Watch a panel of law professors discuss post-election issues. Moderated by Professor Brad Joondeph. REGISTER ONLINE Sponsored by the Dean's Office, Center for Social Justice & Public Service, and the Equity, Justice, and Inclusion Committee at Santa Clara Law.
Find out more »January 2021
The Urgency of Now: the Role of Dissent
A panel on the applicability of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s principles in the midst of today's civil unrest. Register for Zoom webinar here Sponsored by the Center for Social Justice and Public Service and the Black Law Student Association
Find out more »February 2021
Transforming the World: Lessons of Lifelong Activism
Renowned changemakers and thought leaders from the ACLU and Equal Justice Society join us in conversation. Eva Paterson (Equal Justice Society) and Anthony Romero (ACLU) join Margaret Russell, SCU's Associate Provost for Diversity & Inclusion. This is the second event in a speaker series, SCU Listens & Learns: Race, Reflection, Renewal, which features prominent individuals in conversations about their work and our shared commitment to racial justice. Join the livestream event: Margaret Russell will be the interviewer. Afterwards, law…
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