Join us for the first Social Justice Monday on August 27: Public Interest & Social Justice Law Welcome Day

Part I: Public Interest & Social Justice Law Overview: Introduction to Resources at SCU

Noon to 1 p.m. in Bannan 139. Pizza Provided

Part II: Public Interest & Social Justice Law Welcome Day Reception

5 to 6 p.m. in the Bergin Strong Common room


*DONALD POLDEN: Dean * ANGELO ANCHETA: Assistant Professor and Executive Director, Katherine and George Alexander Community Law Center * LINDA STARR: Legal Director, Northern California Innocence Project * MARINA HSIEH: Assistant Dean, Student Academic & Professional Development and Senior Fellow * MORGAN DAIN: Interim Assistant Director for Career Services * MATTHEW WAYMAN: Assistant Director for Law Graduate Employment * SUSAN LEVIN * LYNETTE PARKER * MARGARITA ALVAREZ * MICHAEL ROOKE-LEY * ERIC GOLDMAN * ERIC WRIGHT * NANCY WRIGHT * CATHERINE SANDOVAL * WIL BURNS * SCOTT MAURER *NICOLE CLEMENS: PI&SJ Coalition & PILCS * AND MORE

Facilitator: Stephanie M. Wildman

The Center for Social Justice and Public Service provides a locus for public interest and social justice study and service. The Center builds a community for students, faculty, lawyers, and others who share the commitment to giving voice in the legal system to marginalized, subordinated, or underrepresented clients and causes.