Social Justice Monday

"Social Justice Lawyering and Immigration Law"

Monday, February 11, 2008 from noon to 1 p.m. in Bannan 139

Christine Brigagliano, Van Der Hout, LLP

Facilitator: Lynette Parker

Pizza will be provided during the event. Limited space is available for lunch on campus with Ms. Brigagliano after the noon event. E-mail or call (408) 551-1720 to sign up to meet for lunch.

Christine Brigagliano has practiced law since 1982 and has been a California State Bar Certified Specialist in Immigration Law since 1989. Her practice emphasizes business immigration, including employment-based petitions, labor certification, and consular processing, but includes family-based immigration, naturalization, asylum and deportation matters as well. Ms. Brigagliano brings broad experience to the firm having served as Immigration Project Director for the California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA) Foundation, Legalization Specialist at the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, staff attorney for the Child Care Law Center (Formerly part of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights), and prosecuting attorney for the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board prior to joining the firm in 1989. She holds a B.A. from Smith College (1970), a MAT in from Antioch College (1971) and a J.D. from the University of California’s Hastings College of Law (1982).