Social Justice Monday: February 5, 2007 at Noon in Bannan 139

"Lawyers Talk About Unconscious Bias"

Unconscious bias:  A conversation about racial, ethnic and gender stereotyping.

What is unconscious bias?
What should you say or do when you see or hear stereotyping?
As lawyers, do we have a special obligation to speak up?

Date: February 5
Time: 12- 1
Room 139

• A white “actor” playing a rape trial defendant decides to play the part as a black man. The exercise assigned no race to any party and most rapes are INTRAracial.

• Students discuss downtown San Jose and refer to one area as “too ghetto”

These examples are but two of the type of common incidents that happen every day on our campus, in our lives, and in our country.  These events do not occur from anger or hate. That come from a failure to recognize that racial, ethnic, and gender stereotyping is demeaning, degrading and unprofessional.

On February 5 we invite the community to have a conversation about race, ethnic, and gender bias in our lives. We hope you will participate and hear different voices on this issue.

Linbergh Porter, former president of the San Francisco bar, partner at Littler, recipient of the Charles Houston Bar Community Service award, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund Community Service Award and a frequent speaker on this topic will lead the discussion. Facilitator: Ellen Kreitzberg

Pizza will be provided.