The Benefit for Justice is seeking nominations to recognize law students for their outstanding working within the social justice community.

On September 28, 2007, the Benefit for Justice will take place as an afternoon reception consisting of an award ceremony and a live auction featuring items donated from professors. We are currently seeking nominations from the Santa Clara law school community in order to recognize students who have significantly contributed to the social justice and public interest community through work or volunteer efforts.

Nomination information

Name: ________________________________________________________ Year: ______

Phone: ___________________________    Email: _________________________________

Nominated by (include contact email): __________________________________________

Why should the Benefit for Justice recognize this individual for his or her public interest and social justice efforts? (Please be specific, and include names of organizations where this individual has

worked/ volunteered. This information will be included in the event program.)












Nominations are due by July 15, 2007.

Submit to: Jennifer Griffith, 3L

Benefit for Justice Chairperson


The Benefit for Justice is the primary fundraising event for the Public Interest and Social Justice Endowment at the law school. The Endowment funds scholarships and summer grants, and provides income supplement grants to graduates practicing public interest and social justice law. Students and graduates practice in areas such as child and family advocacy, environmental law, disability law, elder law, consumer protection law, criminal law, and immigration law. These funds translate into the provision of services that benefit the marginalized, subordinated and underrepresented clients and causes in the community at large.