Would you like to engage in stimulating conversations with fellow students, alums, faculty, and practitioners, sharing thought-provoking ideas about emerging issues in IP Law?

Do you care about . . .

the public impact of certain patents such as AIDS medicines, human genes, essential foods, or patent trolls?
recent supreme court cases, Bowman v. Monsanto or AMP v. Myriad?
changes to PTO practices to reduce the number of improper patents issued?

Are you interested in a possible future course offering on emerging issues at the intersection of IP and PI law?

Join us for a stimulating IP/PI Salon Gathering, led by students with guidance from Professor Colleen Chien,

Thursday, April 25, 2013, Bannan 237

For more information and a day-of reminder, see our Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/130962227086888/

For an interesting take on the history and importance of salons in general, see: http://www.bdavetian.com/salonhistory.html