Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday and Inauguration Day

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Letter from Birmingham Jail: Readings and Discussion in Remembrance of Dr. King and Cesar Chavez Reflections on the Inauguration – Yes We Can

• 8:30 to 10 a.m. – Inauguration 2009 Live Telecast and Continental Breakfast  in Bannan Student Lounge
• Noon to 1 p.m. Reading, Reflection, and Discussion in Bannan 142

Lunch provided by RSVP only (RSVP by noon, Wednesday, Jan. 14, to 408.551.1720 or socialjustice@scu.edu to order lunch)

Dr. King’s April 16, 1963, Letter from Birmingham Jail is essential reading for all those who pursue a vocation in law. Join Professors Margalynne Armstrong, Ellen Kreitzberg, Francisco Jimenez, and Dean Jeanette Leach for a reading of King’s  letter and from speeches by Cesar Chavez and Barack Obama. Discussion themes include just and unjust law, civil disobedience, and the struggle for social justice.

Copies of the readings are available in the bookcase outside faculty support in Bergin 214 and on reserve in the library. Come, even if you haven’t had time to read carefully.

Cosponsored with BLSA, La Raza, ACLU, and the Public Interest and Social Justice Coalition