Public Interest & Social Justice Endowment

2008 Benefit for Justice

Job Description: The Public Interest & Social Justice Endowment is seeking two students to coordinate the Benefit for Justice 2008. There are two positions available: (1) Benefit Chair, and (2) Event Coordinator.

·         The Benefit Chair will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Benefit for Justice. These responsibilities include soliciting donations for the live and silent auction, coordinating event details such as catering, collecting auction items, bids and payment, advertising and publicity, accounting and any other tasks necessary to ensure the success of the Benefit for Justice. This paid position lasts from April 1 to October 31, 2008. The Benefit Chair also serves on the Public Interest and Social Justice Coalition Board and attends regular meetings of that group.

o       The Benefit Chair will report monthly to Professor Stephanie Wildman, Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Social Justice & Public Service, and Ivy Flores, Program Coordinator, Center for Social Justice & Public Service. The Benefit Chair will also be required to report to the Public Interest & Social Justice Endowment Board at the conclusion of the event.

o       Stipend: $4000.00.

·         The Event Coordinator will work with the Benefit Chair, with primary responsible for all aspects of the event related to ticket sales. These responsibilities include coordinating ticket sales in the Bannan Lounge and at the event. The Event Coordinator will also manage all responsibilities related to volunteer assistance, including soliciting volunteers and planning and leading volunteer meetings. This paid position lasts from August 1 to September 30, 2008. The Event Coordinator should be a member of the Public Interest and Social Justice Coalition and attend regular meetings of that group.

o       Stipend: $500.00.

To apply for either position, please submit your resume and a statement answering the following questions to iflores@scu.edu by noon on Feb. 19, 2008.

Please describe:

1.      Why you are interested in this position;

2.      Previous event planning or fundraising experience (professional or volunteer);

3.      The personal strengths you will bring to the position;

4.      Your past involvement, either in law school or prior to law school, with public interest and social justice organizations or work you have done for public interest and social justice; and

5.      Any other relevant experience.


The Benefit for Justice is the primary fundraising event for the Public Interest and Social Justice Endowment at the law school. The Endowment funds scholarships, summer grants, and provides income supplement grants to graduates practicing public interest and social justice law. Students and graduates practice in areas such as child and family advocacy, environmental law, disability law, elder law, consumer protection law, criminal law, and immigration law. These funds translate into the provision of services that benefit marginalized, subordinated and underrepresented clients and causes.

For questions about the positions, please contact Jennifer Griffith: jenngriff@gmail.com or Ivy Flores: iflores@scu.edu.