The 10th Annual Trina Grillo Public Interest and Social Justice Law Retreat
"Communities Building Social Justice"

March 7-8, 2008

Hosted by University of Nevada Las Vegas, BOYD School of Law

Co-Sponsors Include:
Santa Clara University School of Law,
Center for Social Justice and Public Service

Society of American Law Teachers (SALT)
University of California, Los Angeles School of Law
Golden Gate University School of Law
University of Seattle School of Law
University of Oregon School of Law
University of San Francisco School of Law
Stanford University School of Law

The 10th Annual Trina Grillo Public Interest and Social Justice Law Retreat will be held at the Boyd School of Law, UNLV on Friday, March 7th and Saturday, March 8th. The title of this year’s retreat is Communities Building Social Justice.  This year’s retreat will focus on how to create and strengthen institutions promoting social justice in cities, towns, and regions where the social justice infrastructure is less developed.  The retreat will also be useful for anyone interested in building the skills and vision to start new projects, promote social justice in private practice, or improve existing social justice organizations at any point in their careers.

Registration will be $50 for law students and $125 for all others interested in attending the conference. Registration includes a reception on Friday; breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday; and limited shuttle service between the hotel and the law school.

Registration forms and hotel information can be found at