Immigration Law

Class Information Fall 2020

  • 3 units
  • Class No.: 19830
  • Meets: Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Time: 1:10 pm - 2:25 pm
  • Location: Online
  • Exam: 11/30-12/11
  • Course Description

Immigration Law

Certificate(s): International Law
Public Interest and Social Justice Law (List B)

Course Description:

Course explores statutory and constitutional issues related to citizenship and naturalization, admissions categories and procedure, exclusion and deportation regulation, and questions of immigration enforcement and policy.  Course features statutory interpretation practice through the assignment of problems that require intensive use of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Course will also likely feature a midterm and a field component comprised of visits to immigration court, customs and border patrol facilities, and work with direct services organizations. (3 units)

Class Notes:

Students who do not attend the first day of class will be dropped by the professor.  Attendance is mandatory.  Reading assignment for the first class posted on ClaraNet.  A limited number of students may opt for writing a final paper, rather than a final exam. The top five students on the wait list should attend the first day.   Professor is willing to have a student tape a class with the permission of the professor for personal use only.