Congratulations to 2L Mikaela Burkhardt and 3L Yemi Akilo who took first place in the 19th Annual California Lawyer’s Association Environmental Law Negotiations Competition!

The California Lawyer’s Association Environmental Law Negotiations Competition is an annual competition open to 20 teams of two students each from any California law school. The Competition consists of 60-minute negotiation rounds based on general and confidential fact patterns released several weeks before the Competition. The final round tests the competitor’s quick wit by giving a brand new fact pattern with only one hour to prepare for a negotiation.

Mikaela and Yemi participated in weeks of practice moots with a generous group of volunteers that included Santa Clara Law students, legal professionals, and faculty.  As a result, the judges at the Competition expressed how impressed they were with the team’s level of preparation. As a team, Mikaela and Yemi displayed a level of attentiveness and professional conscientiousness that ultimately set them apart from their competitors.

Honors Moot Court is a team effort and a big thanks are owed to the team’s tactful and savvy Attorney Coach, Jamie Ormond JD ’12  and the always positive HMCE Student Coach, Charles Huh 3L.

From left: Charles Huh 3L, Mikaela Burkhardt 2L, Yemi Akilo 3L, and Jamie Ormond JD '12

From left: Charles Huh 3L, Mikaela Burkhardt 2L, Yemi Akilo 3L, and Jamie Ormond JD ’12