Katherine V.W. Stone (UCLA School of Law) will speak on "Globalization and Flexibilization: The Re-Invention of Employment Regulation in the 21st Century" on October 26, 2007 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in Bannan 137.
Professor Stone joined UCLA School of Law in 2004 where she teaches Arbitration Law, Labor Law I, Private Justice: The Law of Alternative Dispute Resolution and a Seminar on Labor and Social Policy. Prior to joining UCLA, she was Professor of Law at CornellLawSchool (1992-2004) and an Anne Evans Estabrook Professor of Dispute Resolution at Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations (2000-04). Previously, she was Professor of Law at the BenjaminN.CardozoLawSchool, YeshivaUniversity from 1984 to 1992.
Professor Stone received her B.A. from HarvardUniversity (1970) and earned her J.D. from HarvardLawSchool (1979). She was an attorney at Cohen Weiss & Simon from 1979-1981 and at Rabinowitz Boudin Standard Krinsky & Lieberman from 1981-1984.
She has also visited at ChicagoLawSchool (1990-91), StanfordLawSchool (1997), and YaleLawSchool (1999-2000). Professor Stone is the Editor of the Globalization and Labor Standards (GALS) Bibliographic Archive and Database, available at www.laborstandards.org, which includes abstracts of journal articles about international labor rights and global labor standards.
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