Wednesday, September 16th from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. the law school will be celebrating its consolidation into Bannan Hall and the Heafey/Bergin complex. During this Open House period refreshments will be served in both Bannan and Heafey locations and representatives of various departments will be on hand to greet students and campus guests. Dean Donald Polden will offer celebratory remarks at 5:15 p.m. in Bannan 200H.

Through an extensive remodeling of the top two floors of Bannan Hall the law school has been able to consolidate faculty on campus closer to students and classrooms. The Student Services Office, Law Career Services, and Academic and Professional Development are all more accessible to students as are the law schools three academic journals, Advocate student newspaper, and student government offices. The consolidation has also created a constellation of Centers and Institutes that fosters greater interaction among these academic entities. As a part of this process, the University has also upgraded several classrooms to better serve law students.

"I am very pleased with the support the law school has received from the University. The renovation of Bannan Hall has brought the law school one step closer to having the type of space we need to support our dynamic academic program and to meet the professional training requirements of 21st century lawyers” stated Dean Polden.