Santa Clara University School of Law’s Employment Law Arbitration team is one of 16 teams that has been invited to compete in the Arbitration Competition National Finals co-sponsored by the ABA Law Student Division and the National Arbitration Forum. The finals competition is being held January 25 – 26, 2008 at Stetson University College of Law in St. Petersburg, Florida.

The ABA Law Student Division’s Arbitration Competition promotes greater knowledge in arbitration by simulating a realistic arbitration hearing. Participants prepare and present an arbitration case, including opening statements, witness examinations, exhibit introductions, evidentiary presentations, and summations. It gives students the opportunity to experience what it is to be a professional, competent, and ethical advocate.

The students on the Santa Clara team are: Nathalie Schuler Ferro, Ashley Hussey, Peter Nissly and Monica Stoner. Special thanks go to Professors Ekern, Levin, Rauch and Sptiko who coached the team.