Santa Clara University School of Law students won several prizes at last weekend’s Honors Moot Court competition.

Urmila Karandika and Matt Savage won First Place Brief and Second Place Team Overall in the San Francisco Regional INTA/Saul Lefkowitz Trademark Law Competition. They will move forward to represent SCU in the National Rounds in Washington, D.C. in March. Special thanks to Coach Jeremiah Armstrong, Feinberg Day Alberti & Thompson LLP, as well as Competition Coordinators Diana Lorenz and Erika Ilanan.

In the Wester Regional (Honolulu) ABA Client Counseling Competition, Amanda Barbatoe and Emily Hepner won Second Place Team Overall, and Kriti Rajput and Carlos Garcia completed preliminary rounds with distinction. Special thanks to Coach Professor Scott Mauer and Santa Clara University, and thanks to Competition Coordinator Rebecca Sullivan.

honors moot court