Visiting Professor of Law, M. Stuart Madden is speaking at a faculty forum on Tuesday, March 28 from noon1:00 p.m. in the Strong Common Room in Bergin Hall.  The topic of the forum is "The Effect of Myth on Primitive and Ancient Justice."


Professor M. Stuart Madden is a Distinguished Professor of Law at Pace University School of Law in New York and a visiting Professor of Law at Santa Clara University School of Law.   He earned his J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center in 1976 where he was the Associate Editor of the Georgetown Law Journal.


Professor Madden was a partner in a District of Columbia law firm before coming to Pace and specialized in civil and administrative litigation.  He has published a text entitled Toxic Tort Deskbook, the three-volume text Madden and Owen on Products Liability (3rd), the casebook The Law of Environmental and Toxic Torts (3rd)(with Boston) and the text Understanding Torts (2nd) (with Diamond and Levine). A former James C. Hopkins Professor, he is the author of numerous articles in general and products liability law reviews. Professor Madden is active in tort-related projects of the American Law Institute. He has testified before the House and the Senate on products liability legislation.


Professor Madden teaches Torts and Environmental and Toxic Torts at Santa Clara University School of Law.