Lynette Parker, Associate Clinical Professor at the Katharine and George Alexander Community Law Center received a Presidential Recognition Award. Presidential Recognition Awards acknowledge the importance of learning and of advancing the mission and quality of Santa Clara as a Catholic, Jesuit university. Lynette has proven outstanding achievement as a teaching scholar in teaching, scholarship and service over the past three years.

Lynette has contributed to integrated and active learning by students as persons of competence, conscience, and compassion. Below is a quote from her letter of nomination:

“Lynette’s dedication to her students and to the poor of Silicon Valley is obvious in every task she undertakes. Her passion is infectious. Through the rigorous but non-intimidating learning environment Lynette creates, her students acquire skills to become competent attorneys; through the case work and clients, they become more compassionate individuals, and through exposure to Lynette’s high ethical standards and commitment to always do what is right, students’ consciences are sharpened. Lynette exemplifies the SCU mission to educate citizens and leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion and cultivate knowledge and faith to build a more humane, just, and sustainable world.”