Margaret Russell was quoted in about her participation in a letter to Trump urging adherance to constitutional law. She also spoke to the San Francisco Chronicle about death penalty issues. U.S. Uncut and Huffington Post and others also covered the fact that 1,100 law professors, including 10 from Santa Clara University, wrote an open letter against Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. Professor Russell was interviewed on MPR News with Kerri Miller about free speech, hate speech, and First Amendment rights, and quoted in the National Post explaining how Obama’s clemency decisions would not be considered under the Trump administration. Additionally, she was quoted in a Mic article about Trump’s plans for his businesses while he is in office, and referenced in an article published by SFGate about Obama’s decision to commute Chelsea Manning’s prison sentence. She was also interviewed on KPCC and MPR News about President Trump’s nominees for Supreme Court Justice, and quoted in America Magazine about the reasoning behind legal protections of hate speech.