Katharine Baker, Professor and Associate Dean of Chicago-Kent College of Law is speaking at a faculty forum on Monday, March 27 from noon1:00 p.m. in the Strong Common Room in Bergin Hall.  The topic of her forum is "Bionormativity and Parental Responsibility for Children."

Professor Baker received her law degree (with honors) from the University of Chicago Law School, where she was a comments editor for the University of Chicago Law Review.  She received her bachelor’s degree in social studies (magna cum laude) from Harvard-Radcliffe College.

After graduating from law school, Professor Baker clerked for the Honorable Edward R. Becker of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia, and from 1990 to 1993, she was a trial attorney with the Environmental Enforcement Section of the United States Department of Justice.

Professor Baker teaches courses in family law, property, feminism and evidence. She has published articles on natural resource valuation, gender issues in the family, and numerous articles on rape.