Eric Goldman was quoted in Cronkite News, NextGov, and Journal News about the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act, which he says could backfire. He also was quoted in the Wall Street Journal on a defamation lawsuit filed by a doctor against a patient who posted a negative online review; in ARS Technica about Section 230 and also about the Howard Stern interviews lost in a takedown of DMCA; in the Stamford Advocate about companies’ responsibilities to monitor content posted on their sites; in an article by Invest Money UK about whether Google and Facebook’s media dominance will last; in an ACQ5 article discussing the legal implications of using emojis to communicate; in MinnPost about how cities are trying to regulate short-term rentals; and in Media Post about a lawsuit filed against RipoffReport. Professor Goldman was also quoted in a Mercury News article about Facebook and Google’s defense of their roles in the publishing of anti-Muslim ads during the presidential election and in a CounterPunch article about how proposed bill SESTA will actually lead to less responsible behavior by internet service companies. A post he wrote discussing whether WikiLeaks is protected by Section 230 was also referenced in an article published on TechDirt.