Dr. Stefanus Hendrianto, S.J. will present a paper at the University of Notre Dame on Catholic Social Teaching and the 50th Anniversary of the concluding document of Vatican II. The paper, “Constitutional Duty to Protect Pregnant Workers: From Gaudium Et Spes to Young v. UPS” will be part of a conference from March 20-22.
Additionally, Dr. Hendrianto has received a research grant from Notre Dame to explore how Muslims and Christians responded to the new constitution of Indonesia. His proposal is titled, “The Battle for Meaning: Christians and Muslims at Odds over the Indonesian Constitutionalism.” Dr. Hendrianto will be part of the Contending Modernities working group on Indonesia and will participate in research about “Authority, Community, Identity,” and explore possibilities for collaborative research activities among the core team of the working group. Another purpose of the group is to generate and energize serious conversations about the challenges facing Indonesia and the ways in which the Indonesian working group can contribute to knowledge on various aspects of changing patterns of Authority, Community, and Identity in Indonesia.
The first meeting of the Indonesian working group is scheduled for April 30 to May 1, 2015.