Den Kaufman
The dean of Santa Clara Law since July 2021, Michael J. Kaufman is a nationally renowned educator, scholar, and expert on civil procedure and education law. Kaufman joined Santa Clara Law after serving for 35 years at Loyola University Chicago School of Law, including 11 years as associate dean for academic affairs, five years as dean, as well as other key roles such as Loyola University Chicago’s acting provost and chief academic officer. Kaufman is an award-winning teacher, public servant, beloved teacher, and distinguished scholar who has published more than 30 books and numerous law review articles in three key areas: education law, equity, policy, and pedagogy; securities regulation and litigation; and civil procedure and dispute resolution. He also teaches courses and workshops on the application of design thinking to complex legal issues and organizational growth. Kaufman graduated from Kenyon College magna cum laude and earned his J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School, where he won the Law School’s American Judicature Society Award. After law school, Kaufman clerked for the Honorable Nathanial R. Jones of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, and then he practiced securities and civil rights litigation in one of the world’s largest law firms.
For more information, see https://law.scu.edu/dean/