February 19, 2016 This symposium took a great amount of planning but the payoff was tremendous. After brief welcome remarks by CGLP Director Anna Han and members of the Journal of International Law, Alvin Yu, Editor in Chief and Kendra…
February 19, 2016 This symposium took a great amount of planning but the payoff was tremendous. After brief welcome remarks by CGLP Director Anna Han and members of the Journal of International Law, Alvin Yu, Editor in Chief and Kendra…
While most students spend Spring Break sleeping, relaxing on the beach, or catching up on outlining, twelve Santa Clara Law students chose to spend Spring Break 2016 advancing their career goals.
Our law students, though not yet practicing lawyers who are able to give legal advice, have some poignant things to say on Apple’s fight with the FBI. This week, students in Professor Cookie Ridolfi’s Criminal Procedure Law class discussed the case and what it could mean for the tech and legal communities.
Graduates of Santa Clara University School of Law have exceeded the California ABA-accredited law school average pass rate on the state’s bar examination and increased the average bar passage rate by nearly 9 points over last July.
Sona Makker ‘16 was selected as a fellow for the inaugural class of fellows at the UC Berkeley Center for Technology, Society and Policy. The fellows hail from universities around the world and from disciplines as diverse as computer science, law,…
3L Lizbeth Mateo is featured in this week’s Latino USA episode from NPR. Lizbeth was involved in some DREAM Act activism during the summer of 2013. The program details that effort and what’s transpired for those activists since then. Listen…
Jonathan Joannides, Kevin McManus, Tamarah Prevost, Erin Callahan, and Tiffany Uhri Chu were selected to serve as as a Pupil in the Ingram Inn of Court during its 2015-2016 program year. This selection is a great honor and offers the beneficial opportunity opportunity to learn about the legal profession and the practice of law from Santa Clara County’s most outstanding lawyers and judges.
Santa Clara Law is pleased to announce that Sarah Mirza ’15 is the winner of the annual Jan Jancin Award for top intellectual-property law student in the nation. The award is given by the American Intellectual Property Law Education Foundation (AIPLEF) of…
Santa Clara University School of Law student Anjali Moorthy was quoted in a story about summer externships at Duane Morris, a Bay Area law firm.
Sona Makker ’16 has been selected as a recipient of the Ms. JD Fellowship. She will be the first recipient of this Fellowship from Santa Clara Law. Congratulations, Sona! Ms. JD created the Ms. JD Fellowship in order to promote…