Deep Gulasekaram was quoted in Bloomberg about the Christie v NCAA case.
Deep Gulasekaram was quoted in Bloomberg about the Christie v NCAA case.
Brian Love was quoted in Wired about a small company owner who intervened by doing a key patent investigation in the Waymo/Uber lawsuit—even though he was not a party to the case.
Paige Kaneb was quoted in more than 300 stories after the Associated Press and numerous other outlets including Yahoo News, ABC News, and The New York Times reported that a client of NCIP was freed 15 years after being convicted of killing his newborn…
Catherine Sandoval wrote an op-ed titled “Net neutrality safeguards democracy, the economy and national security” for the San Jose Mercury News. Professor Sandoval teaches Communications, Antitrust, Energy, and Contract Law. She was a member of the California Public Utilities Commission…
by Deborah Lohse The Federal Communications Commission has promised that at its Dec. 14 meeting, it will repeal “Net Neutrality”—the 2015 Open Internet Order issued under the Obama Administration’s FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler. Under that order, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like Comcast…
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Dec. 8, 2017— Thanks to new scientific knowledge about Shaken Baby Syndrome, a man wrongfully convicted in 2002 of killing his 4-month-old daughter has had his conviction reversed after spending nearly 17 years in prison. The San…
Tyler Ochoa‘s essay on the Supreme Court’s Star Athletica decision is now available, as part of the University of Pennsylvania Law Review’s online symposium dedicated to the case. Symposium issue Professor Ochoa’s essay
Michelle Oberman was mentioned in OIA News and New Republic discussing how the legality of abortion is not black and white, covered in her new book, “Her Body, Our Laws”.
Deep Gulasekaram was quoted in a SFGate story, which also ran in LMT Online and three other outlets, about Alameda County sheriff’s department receiving federal funds that are denied to many sanctuary cities.
Margaret Russell was quoted in KQED News on a Santa Clara prosecutor asking to dismiss a defense attorney because she needs to take time off to recover from childbirth.